Friday, September 16, 2011

#7 - Get Real! - C

Why is the Bible the supreme computer ‘How-To” manual?
Let’s use a short story to help make this point.

#C - Credibility
Look What’s Missing.

Clubhouse Special Presentation By Gramps and Marci, Saturday 9am” was what the sign on the door of the old building said. Even before 9am the crowd of kids was easily twice the size of its membership. Grady was the owner of the condemned building clubhouse. The kids affectionately called him “Gramps.”

Grady’s wife Marci came in and both silver haired folks sat at the table in front of the clubbers. Marci placed her picnic basket on the table as though it was plumb full of fresh eggs.

Gramps then told his audience some of his funny experiences he’s had as a computer programmer. Using both hands, he held up a computer “How-To” book for his favorite computer program. He showed it had over 1293 pages. He continued with, “Clubbers, I want you to look in the back of my programming book here. The authors of the book couldn’t get all the explanations and pictures in the book so they had to include this CD. If the CD became damaged or missing, I’d be in trouble.” He then nodded to his wife Marci.

With all the gentleness used for moving fresh eggs, Marci opened the basket and covers inside. She slowly lifted out the oldest looking Bible you’ve ever seen. The cover had come loose some years before and the ragged pages looked like they had been through the fiercest of wars. Using both hands, Marci laid the Bible on the table and opened the back cover. Gramps and Marci made sure all the audience saw there was no CD disk in the back of that old Bible – because none was needed.

The clubbers would say, “WOW!” and “Isn’t that great?” and other kudos. Marci told the clubhouse kids that the Bible is really the greatest of computer books, if you can imagine that. It’s the greatest because it tells where computers came from and what their most important purpose is. Gramps knocked on the table to get everyone’s attention. “But that’s not even the best part!” he said as he raised his computer book still showing the CD in the back.

“Can you see here? This is a website address that I am supposed to get all the corrections for my computer book.” Then with great emphasis Marci and the children looked in the back of the Bible and didn’t find any place to send for corrections for the Bible. Can you guess why?

With great care, Marci moved her fingers over the Bible and said, “Boys and girls, God has given us this most important of books to help us learn about His love for each of us. In a way it’s just like my cookie jar to be opened and enjoyed. Some Bible verses we won’t understand right away. But we can read some every day. You could say we should feed on what we read. The shepherd boy, David, that killed the giant, said,

‘How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!’” Psalms 119:103.

“David would read some of God’s Word and then say, ‘Mmmmm boy. I sure enjoy reading God’s Word.’ The Bible tells us Who loves us just the way we are, with nothing left out and without any mistakes.

(End of story)