Tuesday, September 20, 2011

#5 - Get Rounded!

JESUS AS A TEEN… Think about that. There’s a verse
That describes Him during those times:

Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom
and stature, and in favour with God and man

Bible scholars believe that since this verse follows after the
incident in Jesus’ life when He was 12 yrs old, it is most certainly
referring to His teen years and beyond. It contains a wealth of
crucial principles for maturing in a way that pleases God and keeps us safe and strong.

Let’s look at the ‘quad’ principles shown. They are:

Wisdom - that’s MENTAL ____________________________________________

Stature - that’s PHYSICAL ____________________________________________

Favor with God - that’s SPIRITUAL ____________________________________________

Favor with man - that’s SOCIAL ____________________________________________

Remember the 4 quadrunner systems? Each one was different, yet they all needed to work together. As we began this workshop, we decided a powerful step forward was to learn the strengths and weaknesses of each one. These areas of Christ’s early years (and ours) require the same analysis.

Discuss how each of these areas in your life might be MEASURED… where do you see your major strengths?

Now go back through the list and see where your weaknesses are. Your friends, or family, or church group all need each other. Scripture speaks often of unity “building up the brethren.”

As we’ve already seen, God has put in scripture loads of helps and principles for fine tuning our lives into balanced, high performance blood-pumpin’ machines that honor Him. Young people that want to mature and find the lasting joy in life will say, “I need help working on this area of my life. God please show me who I can talk to about this.”

Put on your thinking cap… on the blank lines above write how you imagine each of these four areas might be connected to you using a computer. Be brave.