Tuesday, September 13, 2011

#8 - Get Computing! - B

Of the 50 or so Bible computing principles, this is one of my favorites. I love to share it with others and you will too.

Principle #3 – A special list.
Turn to Mark 8:19-21
  1. The third principle involves the way that Jesus was quizzing His disciples as He taught them about the Pharisees. He demonstrates the structure of a database with an attitude in that teaching.

A database is simply a list with with structure. That is, the way the information in each line is ordered.
A telephone book is a printed database we are comfortable in using every day. It’s a list containing records that contain LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, ADDRESS, then PHONE NUMBER. Each line(record) has the same order. But Mark 8 shows us a database with an important twist.

When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve. And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? And they said, Seven. And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand?

Do you see the two records; the two questions Jesus asked His disciples?
5 Loaves, 5 Thou, Leftovers ? Food – Fed – Fragments.
7 Loaves, 4 Thou, Leftovers ? Food – Fed – Fragments.

The important twist is that He kept asking about the leftovers.
Computer Programmers work at being good DATA MINERS. They look at the leftover data for even more ways to make the organization more productive.

POWER PRINCIPLE in this reference
Look at leftovers – wasted resources, space, talents, and tools
Like a goldminer’s pan, there’s golden resources in the leftovers, and maybe even a lost soul.
Can you create a small database that might include some friends and newcomers and some of your activities with them?

1. _____________________ ____________________ ______________________ _________

2. _____________________ ____________________ ______________________ _________

3. _____________________ ____________________ ______________________ _________

4. _____________________ ____________________ ______________________ _________

5. _____________________ ____________________ ______________________ _________